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Are You Blind Or Something?

People hear blind and what do they think? They think white cane, guide dogs and not seeing anything at all. They don’t think tunnel...

They're Watching

The date was March 5th, 2021. A cold Friday afternoon. I had just come in from taking my chihuahua out for a short walk. As I walked up...


Take it from someone who has heard the word a lot, can’t is one of the most dangerous words in the English language. Ever since my...

No More Excuses

After my last blog, I bet the last thing you are expecting from me is to say that Charlie Baker did something right. Well, here it goes....

Charlie's Website Woes

Not sure about the rest of you, but I am honestly embarrassed to live in Massachusetts right now. Not only are we handling the Covid-19...

Tiger's Trouble

I’ll ask it again for the 8 billionth time, why are rich people still driving? Bruce Springsteen, Johnny Damon, now Tiger Woods? Why the...

Allbright Is Not Alright

Folks, this one is crazy. This is going to be about one of the softest, most despicable people in sports media. Buckle up. Apparently,...

Primary Problem

Scrolling through Facebook the other day, I came across a friends post talking about primary elections. This friend is much more fluent...

Exit Change

People don’t like change. Humans are creatures of habit. But sometimes, change is necessary. A few months back, the Massachusetts...

Quit Whining

Wow! People really hate Tom Brady. It makes sense for a lot of football fans. He has done nothing but beat team after team in big spots....

Just Let It End

Like a lot of Americans, I am totally sick of Donald Trump dominating headlines. Whether it be the four years of polarizing actions or...

A Texas Sized Issue

What in the world is going on in Houston? The Texans organization is falling apart at the seams. Not too long ago, the Houston Texans...

Cuomo's Cover Up

Before I really get into this, I am not some right-wing loon screaming “CUOMO IS A MURDERER!” I don’t think he actively murdered people....

Rich Drunk Drivers

I think we all know how dangerous driving under the influence of alcohol can be. Innocent people die every day because some jerk decided...

He Done It Again

It takes a great man to admit that they were wrong. I am that great man. My pick for Super Bowl 55 was a swing and a miss. I thought it...

Prop It Up

Gamblers are a resilient bunch. For many years, sports gambling was illegal in most states. The only place the experienced gambler had to...

The Big Game

Well folks, here we are. The best and worst weekend in the football season. It is the Super Bowl. First of all, I have a quick comment...

The Globe is Writing Crap Now

Just when you thought you’ve heard it all from the journalistically dishonest rag that is the Boston Globe, something else comes up. The...

The Price is...High

The NFL season isn’t even technically over yet, and the offseason fireworks have begun. The news broke last night that the Los Angeles...

One Doesn't Speak For All

You know what really ticks me off? When people assume things about you and your feelings on something without even asking you. This...

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